'Tis The Season... for Stewardship


Dear CalStG Family,

This week, we kick-off our season of Stewardship.

This is the season where we invite you to consider making a financial pledge to Calvary-St. George’s. Some people make a pledge based on a tithe or a tenth of their income, others consider the tithe or a tenth of their income a goal to build up to. Either way, a financial pledge to the parish of Calvary-St. George’s is between you and God and should be given from the heart.

What we ask for is your participation.

This is because a financial pledge for the 2020 year says you are a partner with the parish in our work as ambassadors for Christ, heralding the Good News that because of Jesus and all his sufficient work on the cross, people can enjoy their forgiveness.

What we do at Calvary-St. George’s through preaching and teaching is so important.


New York City is such a transient place and our ministry really has an impact worldwide. Last week, I was preaching in Sweden and someone from the town of Umea told us what a difference hearing the Gospel week in and week out from Calvary-St. George’s has made in her own ministry. Another parishioner, who has moved to Kansas City, earlier this year, told me what a difference the message of grace has made in her marriage and spiritual life.

All this is to say your pledge fuels ministry that makes a massive difference.


This year, we have an audacious pledge goal. We are looking for 200 pledging units, which is totally insane.

We are hoping that prayer and cool swag will help us reach that goal (mostly prayer, of course, but swag never hurts). The reason for this goal is we would like to continue to share the Good News of the Gospel in creative ways and without any hindrance to the message. Our hope in 2020 is to continue to build our youth and family ministry, develop innovative education opportunities, and strengthen our worship services, including relaunching a new and innovative 5 p.m. service of Holy Communion that will connect modern people to an ancient form of worship in a way that is fresh and yet has integrity. We also would love to support and partner with different ministries that help us spread the Gospel throughout the world. 

So there is no time like right now to prayerfully get your 2020 pledge in... and then collect your swag:

We’ll see you this Sunday as we celebrate this Mission Immeasurable.


The Reverend Jacob Smith

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