The Deconstruction of Easter. Mark 16:1-8. Easter Sunday

The Rev. Jacob Smith discusses how in the midst of deconstructing the Gospel, The Gospel deconstructs us, and the makes us brand new.

The first point of the Easter Sermon was inspired by the article "Closer Than you Think (The Trouble with Deconstruction)" by the Reverend Connor Gwin, found on the Mockingbird Blog.  The quote taken is as follows:  

"Charles Taylor wrote about this in his 2007 book, A Secular Age. In this seminal work, Taylor argues that authenticity is the hallmark of the secular age, which is why doubt is in. Authentic doubt or disbelief is better than inauthentic faith or belief, at least in the secular age.

Deconstruction is the fruit of this seed of doubt. For Taylor, the secular age has not eliminated belief but it has made belief itself unbelievable. This explains why deconstruction is so popular.

Our zeitgeist is marked by deep cynicism and the question, “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

Our superheroes are now dark and gritty. Our politicians are no longer paragons of virtue and civic responsibility (or they aren’t pretending to be). In my own life, I am suspicious of anyone who is too nice or just a bit too earnest."

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