You are FIRME...


Dear Calvary-St. George’s

In the midst of this pandemic, you are FIRME  Let me unpack that a bit.

This coming Sunday is “Expectation Sunday”.  It’s called that because we’ve already had Easter, we had the Ascension just this week, and the following Sunday will be the Feast of the Pentecost.  So this Sunday, Expectation Sunday, is a kind of in-between time.

Those first disciples were in an in-between time.  They were rejoicing that the resurrection and ascension had taken place.  But they were also scared about their assignment, which was to go out and convert the entire Roman Empire.


What about us?  The COVID-19 curve has peaked and is headed down, but a full post-pandemic world is not yet here.  So on this Expectation Sunday, how do we live in our own in-between time?

The answer can be found in Fr. Gregory Boyle’s book, Tattoos on the Heart.  Fr. Gregory is driving by a Los Angeles gang member named Willy, and he pulls over.  Willy says, “Hey G., my stomach’s on “échale” (which means empty) – kick me down with twenty dollars, yeah?”

They drive to a drugstore with an ATM.  Fr. Gregory tells Willy to stay in the car, because there might be a rival gang member in the store.  Willy asks for the car keys, so he can listen to the radio.  Fr. Gregory says, “No way,” and then holds his hands up in the prayer position and says, “Pray!”  Willy sighs and rolls his eyeballs.  But he assumes the praying hands pose.

Fr. Gregory comes back to the car, and something has happened.  Willy is quiet, and there is a sense of peace in the car.  Here’s how the book describes it.

I look at Willy and say, “You prayed, didn’t you?”  He doesn’t look at me.  He’s still and quiet.  “Yeah, I did.”  “What did God say to you?” I ask him.  “Well, He said, ‘Shut up and listen.’

That is what God says to you and me in our in-between times on this Expectation Sunday.  Shut up and listen – although maybe a little more politely.  Or maybe not.

God invites us to handle our in-between times by doing what we always have to do, and that is – nothing.  Nothing but pray and listen.  Just like those first disciples.  And as we do, God speaks the same word He spoke it to those first disciples.  It’s in this Expectation Sunday’s gospel (John 17:1-11). 

The word is “glory”.  It appears six times.

In the midst of our in-between times…

God doesn’t say, “Just hang on.”  He says GLORY

In the midst of our fears and uncertainties,

God doesn’t say, “Grit your teeth and bear it.”  He says GLORY

In the midst of our fears about what happens next, God doesn’t say,

“This too will pass.”  He says GLORY.

And in the upside down economy of God’s grace, He means the glory of the cross.  St. Paul says, “Far be it from me to glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

God’s glory radiates from an instrument of execution.  The cross is the place where Jesus takes the struggles of our in-between times on His own shoulders, in order that you and I may be able to stand firm.  And that’s a good segue back to Fr. Gregory and Willy.

I begin to drive Willy home to the barrio.  I’ve never seen him like this.  He’s quiet and humble – no need to convince me of anything or talk me out of something else.

“So, son, tell me something,” I ask.  “How do you see God?”  “God?” he says.  “He’s my dog right there.”  In the language of the gangs of Los Angeles, a dog is a person upon whom you can rely.  “And God?” I ask.  “How does God see you?”

Willy doesn’t answer at first.  So I turn and watch as he rests his head on the seat, staring at the ceiling on my car.  A tear falls down his cheek.  Heart full, eyes overflowing.  Then Willy says, “God... thinks … I’m… FIRME.”

To gang members in Los Angeles, FIRME means, “could not be one bit better.”  

That is glory, for Willy to realize how much he is loved.  And Fr. Boyle drives it home by saying,

“Not only does God think we’re firme, it is God’s joy to have us marinate,” in that glory.

In the very midst of COVID-19, may you and I…

1.  Stop talking and start listening

2.  Hear Jesus say “glory” from the cross

3.  Know that in that glory, we are firme

4.  Marinate in that good news

See you, virtually, at C/StG this Expectation Sunday!



What’s New?

Your CALSTG-TEAM is gearing up to share MORE ways for you all to stay connected and reminded of God’s presence during the season of Pentecost. Here is the new line up coming your way…

Prayer zooms | MONDAY - FRIDAY 6PM




Devotion Groups

Whether you are a New Yorker or you are tuning in from afar we welcome you to join a Devotion Group. The lessons are curated by the Rev. Ben Dehart and are accessible for all looking to get connected. The groups run seasonally throughout the year.

Youth and Family

Connecting with your kids during this season has never been made easier. Chelsy Haynes has created weekly Sunday School videos for your family to enjoy at your pace. Each video is less than 10 minutes and is a simple way to share stories of the Bible.

The Fundamentals

The Rev. Jake is back with the Fundamentals. Now more than ever is a great time to dive in and get to know your FAITH. The class will run live on Thursday mornings at 9AM…BUT remember you can tune in at your leisure in the comfort of your home anytime online.

Staying in Touch…

During this time, you can tune into our livestream events via If you need pastoral care, please call the church office at 646-723-4178 or email us at Your clergy are here for you.
